Raining Indoors???
November 5, 2009 by J Housley
Filed under Cut the Ish!
Raining Indoors??? HELP!!! Something has got to be done about this. Aren’t you just nauseous, disgusted and fed up with the foolishness you witness on a daily basis? No? Well I am. My most recent encounter of the foolish kind occurred around eleven a.m. while I was in the grocery store taking care of my […]
What Not To Wear?
November 5, 2009 by J Housley
Filed under Beauty & Fashion
What is all the whispering about I asked as I entered the café. “She’s wearing last seasons hand bag and boots!” So, what’s the big deal if she is, better yet, who says you can’t wear “last seasons” fashions? Well, maybe I was absent the day this memo went out, but my budget says I […]
My skinny jeans don’t fit?
Btw, sex counts as exercise too you know. Yippie!