Raining Indoors???
November 5, 2009 by J Housley
Filed under Cut the Ish!
Raining Indoors??? HELP!!! Something has got to be done about this. Aren’t you just nauseous, disgusted and fed up with the foolishness you witness on a daily basis? No? Well I am. My most recent encounter of the foolish kind occurred around eleven a.m. while I was in the grocery store taking care of my […]
Shaina’s Weed
November 5, 2009 by J Housley
Filed under Weed In My Coffee
Why is it that every time you’re in the company of a person whose been smoking weed, either you become the focus of their laughter, or they always start to ramble on about a lot of shit that only “they” think is really deep? I mean, they seem to come up with the most thought […]