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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Getting Divorced In Order To Have Sex

March 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Dear Juicy

Gorgeous HairI don’t like to toot my own horn but I am a thirty nine year old blonde bombshell from California, people say that I could be Pamela Anderson’s twin. I have been married to my forty-four year old husband for three years now and I’m just about ready to call it quits. The problem is that we NEVER have sex anymore, it’s been exactly fourteen months since our last encounter and it was awful – like watching paint dry. I have taken him to the doctor to have his hormones and prostate checked out, I have tried dressing up, being spontaneous and walking around naked all day. NOTHING works! I even got him a prescription for Viagra, which he refuses to get filled because he claims that he “forgot.”

With all of this built up tension, I needed a release of any sort, so I went downtown for a cocktail and ended up running into an ex-boyfriend, (Oh, I remember he was so good in bed) we played catch up until four in the morning. I didn’t screw him but I really, really, really wanted to. We exchanged numbers and I promised to stay in touch.

Now what do you propose I do? I need to get laid, he’s willing and my husband is not! I’m a young girl, I still enjoy and need to have sex, preferably with my husband but if he’s not willing to scratch this itch, I know someone who is. What else can I try before I commit adultery? Is it me? Is he gay? Should I continue to be patient? Or should I just get divorced so I can have sex again? I’m hurt and confused. I love my husband but I have needs that he’s  supposed to be taking care of, I really need the insight of someone whose been through a similar situation, please help before I add to the divorce rate.


Sexless in LA.

Dear Sexless in LA.,

You are indeed a young woman who clearly has needs of which your husband should be meeting. It seems to me that you have tried everything within your direct power to stimulate and arouse your husband. If you truly love him then maybe you can try talking with him about how this is affecting you. Let him know about your desires and needs, if he is still unwilling to oblige you then maybe you two should seek sexual-marriage counseling. These experts will help you find a solution to your dilemma and possibly get your  marriage where it should be. Please check back daily, I’m certain someone will lend a different perspective or insight. I hope you find this information useful.

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