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Saturday, September 21, 2024

When A Man Loves A Woman

December 28, 2009 by  
Filed under The Testosterone Perspective

A lady friend of mine, let’s call her Amy, asked me a question the other day. When I first heard the question it seemed like a simple one, until I went to open my mouth to give her an answer. Then suddenly I realized that this question was not so simple, and that the answer would […]

A Rant: Why We REALLY Over Eat

December 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Diet Wars

[ Note: This article was written by a friend of mine who happens to be fitness and nutrition author Jon Benson. He is assisting me with my fitness and nutritional needs, and I just wanted to share some of his insight with you. ] Fair warning … this one is a rant. It’s probably a […]


December 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Product Whore

I’M A PRODUCT WHORE! There,  I said it, now it’s out and everyone knows it. I have officially accepted my insatiable love affair with products. Which, by the way I have had ever since I was old enough to crawl. I can remember having a hobby of mixing hair products together in order to get […]

Do Men Really Care If Women Wear Hair Extensions?

December 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Hair Talk

A few months ago, Tara, who has been a regular client of mine for over eight years decided that  after watching me for so long, she now possessed enough skill to performed her own hair cut!  Yeah, I was thinking the same thing… Needless to say – she shows up at my studio in tears, […]

A Temperamental Vagina Named Kitty

December 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Vaginas in the City

I have never been so sick and tired of anything in my life as I am  with Kitty, she’s so damn temperamental! Dictating almost every area of my existence. I literally can’t do “anything without her getting all irritated. Don’t swim. Don’t wash with that detergent. I don’t care if you’ve had a long hard […]

Wife, Mistress, and the Girlfriend

December 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Dear Juicy

Dear Juicy, I need your help badly!!!  My name is Jane Doe and I am a 23 year-old Paralegal. My best friend and I work together at a really large firm in our hometown. I almost lost my balance when she revealed to me that she is pregnant by our boss. I know this doesn’t […]

Master Cleanse Diet Challenge

December 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Diet Wars

Hi everybody and thank you for joining me for Juicy Girl Talk’s Master Cleanse 10- day diet challenge!!! My name  is Jaqui and I am a writer here at Juicy.  We decided to do a video journal of my progress and challenges for the next 10-days as I seek to get healthier and loose weight.  […]

Forgot 2 Remember

December 8, 2009 by  
Filed under Weed In My Coffee

Image via Wikipedia Boy, this has been one hell of a work week! The auditors were on the premises for the past month and everyone has been slicing throats, stomping on stilettos and pointing acrylics. I have decided to stow away and enjoy a quiet weekend at home – just me, myself and I along […]

Bringing “Sexy” Back

December 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Diet Wars

Okay Juicy Girl Talk community, We’re only a few weeks away from 2010 and I’m about to do my bi-annual ten-day cleanse/weight loss regimen and I know you’ll want to join in and bring your “Sexy Back” before the New Year. It’s easier to get through the 10-days when you do the “buddy system.” I […]

The “Other” Woman

December 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Dear Juicy

Okay Juicy Girl talk community this is hot, fresh in from the mailbag! Dear Juicy, I’m sick of all these married bit%&$# thinking that their shit smells like CoCo Chanel because their so-called husband has put a brass ring on it. When they find out that you’re not married they turn their noses up like […]

Defending Tiger

December 3, 2009 by  
Filed under The Testosterone Perspective

I really did not want to go here but after watching the reports coming in on this Tiger Woods Cheating thing I just can’t help myself.  I am not defending Tiger actions here, what he did was wrong but… what he did was and should not have been a surprise. I mean really ladies what […]

The Relationship Cycle

December 2, 2009 by  
Filed under The Testosterone Perspective

I was sitting at my favorite Starbucks the other day attempting to manage my in-box and get some writing done, when I took notice of the amount of couples that were there, all in different stages of what I like to call “The Relationship Cycle.” I have always found it a bit amusing the way […]

Crotch Watcher

December 1, 2009 by  

I nudged the friend closest to me because I needed her to help me decipher whether or not his package was…

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